Monday 8 February 2010

Conventions Of British Drama Film Openings

Conventions Of British Dramas

Titling: In every film opening I have looked at, they have used a very bold font which looks as though it has been slammed down onto the screen. Examples of this are the titles of This Is England and Snatch. Because these fonts look as though they have been slammed onto the screen, it gives the audience the impression that this film will have fighting and violence in it.

Camera Movements: In most of the openings I have seen, the director uses the cameras in a way that makes the audience feel as though they are in they are in the film with the characters. This leads the viewers to believe that they are part of the film and will draw them in to watch more. Examples of this technique used are in Snatch and Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels.

Framing Of Shots: Directors in the films I have watched have generally used medium shots. Using these allows the audience to see the actors face to capture their emotions and see enough of their body to give them an idea of their personality. Seeing characters' personalities is essential in these films as it establishes what the film is generally about. Medium shots have been used in films such as Snatch and Rock 'N' Rolla.

Mise En Scene: In all the film openings I have viewed, The director chose to use quite dull and mostly beige or sandy colours and is set in an estate-like area to show that the area that the film is set is a dirty, lower-class area. Because the audience thinks that these areas are dirtier, they are lead to believe that the people there are dirty. This keeps the audience interested because naturally we feel sympathy for people lower than ourselves. This kind of mis en scene techniques are used in, This Is England and Lock Stock And Two smoking Barrels

Actors' Movements: Generally, the character will have very violent movements, this establishes that the films will consist of violent scenes. Showing these types of movements shows the audience that these people are in control. This technique id used in This Is England and Snatch

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